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Here are some tips to follow if you are out and about or in your home and you find a snake:
1: Remain calm
Snakes would rather not encounter humans, and it is probably as scary for them as it is for you, according to the University of Florida Wildlife - Johnson Lab.
2: Let it be
Whatever snake you've found will probably soon be on its way.
3: If it's indoors, find a trash can and a broom
The Florida Museum of Natural History advises you to tip the trashcan onto its side, and use the broom to gently "chase" the snake into the trash can. Then, tip the trash can upright and, taking care to keep your hands away from the open top, replace the lid.
4: You may have a rodent problem
The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries says to have your home checked for rodents. If you can eliminate the food source, the snakes will go elsewhere.
5: Do not kill a snake, unless...
It poses a safety threat or threatens your livestock. In Virginia, it is illegal to kill a snake outside those two conditions. Virginia only has three species of venomous snakes,
copperheads, timber rattlesnakes and water moccasins.
Learn more about Virginia's snakes from the Virginia Herpetological Society.


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